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Sunday, July 6


whoahoo~ i actually managed to log into my blog again after so many tries!

>. Mi|Oo .< | 10:04 PM

Thursday, May 18


Came across this website and it really affects my view of this world again. Its just so upsetting to see the photos and it gets me so much more angrier to read about the whole issue later. Why should the future generations bear such cruel consequences of the wrongdoings of some people who can't even redeemed themselves by just dying. But then again, there were no choice given at all. Chernobyl - one of the worst nuclear reactor disaster in history.

Photos of Chernobyl today:

Quoted from yahoo encyclopedia:

Chernobyl nuclear power station, site of the worst nuclear reactor disaster in history. On Apr. 25, 1986, during an unauthorized test of one of the plant's four reactors, engineers initiated an uncontrolled chain reaction in the core of the reactor after disabling emergency backup systems. On Apr. 26, an explosion ripped the top off the containment building, expelling radioactive material into the atmosphere. The reactor core was sealed off by air-dropping a cement mixture, but not before eight tons of radioactive material had escaped. Twenty firefighters died immediately from overexposure to radioactivity, while hundreds suffered from severe radiation sickness. Pripyat, Chernobyl, and nearby towns were evacuated. People who lived near the plant in Ukraine and Belarus at the time have seen a greatly increased incidence of thyroid cancer, and genetic mutations have been discovered in children later born to exposed parents. Ukraine has estimated that as many as 8,000 people died as a result of the accident and during its cleanup.

How sad it is that your fate is sealed just because you are being born into the wrong place at the wrong time. We are seriously some plain lucky ppl in this world but yet, its such a nasty human nature that we all never learn to appreciate what we have in this world.

>. Mi|Oo .< | 3:29 PM

{\*My Gawd!!*/}


Check this video out!! GOODNESS~! but it seems kinda cool... lol

>. Mi|Oo .< | 1:48 PM

Tuesday, May 9


At times, some people just dosen't know how the word 'appreciation'... They always go on and on to complain about their life, about this and that person, about the whole wide world. They just lack the insights to view things in another way...

Things that people complain usually:
How they can appreciate these things:

1. I'm fat!!
- I'm in the pink of my health and these fats are evidence that i'm eating well...

2. The workload/homework/exams is never ending!!
- I'm useful to this world... everyday my studying/working contributes to making this world a better place.

3. I'm so envious and jealous of her/him having these and that.
- I'm unique and irreplaceable. Even if another 'her/him' comes into this world, it can never replace the lost of me...

4. My parents nags at me all the time... Shut Up!!
- At least they are around... and is healthy enough to nag at me... though i hope they do it less.

5. I've got not enough money...
- Many beautiful things in the world comes cheap or free... it only takes a little creativity to figure how to find or get them.

6. My friends irritate the hell out of me... and we always quarrel..
- I have them as friends... thats what matters most...

7. Argh!! Wth... the checkup cost me $200+... i could have shopped for some good stuffs with these money...
- You are spending these money to know that you're in a good condition. Feel blessed that you are not spending 4 to 5 figures money just to get treatment for this good health right now.

Note: This entry does not refers to anyone. However, it happens to almost everyone i guess.. if you do see any similarity of urself to any example... learn to 'appreciate'...

>. Mi|Oo .< | 5:01 PM


"If you light a lantern for another, it will also brighten your own way."

>. Mi|Oo .< | 3:07 PM

Friday, April 28


Life's boring... at least for me right now. Argh!! Really miss schooling... Why is it that all of my close friends are in school... I wanna be studious and holding a book and cramming my schedule with schoolwork and studying overnight for exams at macdonalds too~~~!!! (I think rene, eve and gwen wish me die on the spot right now) But seriously, I missed those days where school friends come together and mug for exams and i feel left out seeing friends doing that except me. Anyway, I can't really enjoy so much free time when my kah-kees are all mugging... *must be patient*.

Gheez... Now i'm being bitten by the spree bug too! Damn... I tot as long as i don't open an account i will not spend that bad, sad to say, i succumb to temptation ytd nite. Had a silly incident when making my purchase, and ended up missing the spree. darn. In any case, i still had my share of purchase and before i know it.. wth.. i spent more than a 100bucks on my spree purchase... *shake head* must show more self control...

I started my intermediate Jap Class on Tuesday~!~! Blaw~~~ ... its really tough this round and there's 2 classes in 1week!!! Unlike the previous class, its much more difficult and the no. of students increased 2 fold. *I must work doubly hard*. Jia You!!

I'm so gald i'm on my way to change my lifestyle, must get out of the monotonous robot livinghood. There are so much stuffs i wanna do... I'm so full of ideas right now, but all these takes time to fulfil.

Stuffs that i wanna do:
1. Change my wardrobe to summer style flamboyant colors filled clothes
2. New Haircut!!! Perm? Soft rebond? Cut short? Heavy layering of the hair?
3. Join classes - i did, JAP class... *smiley*
4. Watch movie at omni-theatre
5. Refurnish my whole room... buy new furniture!? paint walls!?
6. Do artwork on canvas and hang them in my room
7. Travelling (Anywhere!! provided financial issue is affordable)
8. Check out more chill out places!!
9. Read more book!!
10. Mental psycho myself to believe i can do it all!! Haha..

Yeap... Hopefully I get it all done! Ghee Heez~! *Smiley*

>. Mi|Oo .< | 4:24 PM

Tuesday, April 25

{\*~~~~~~~Blog Blog Blog~~~~~~~~*/}

I'm starting to get the hang out of blogging... Was seldom (if not never) a frequent blogger who blogs consecutively. Anyway... Wanted to leave my impression about an incident that happened on Sunday... just gotta leave that memory somewhere.

Things were going like this... Went for lunch with my parents and aunts and uncles (yea, the crazier bunch) and ah gong. Trip was farnie and crazy as usual, went to eat at some teochew restaurant i think, and everyone was eating fast and furious because the food was hot delicious, and everyone wanted to grab more. Fel was farnie, every dish served she would do a food critic session on it with that super serious and thinking very hard face, then carefully describing the food with the oooohhhhhh and the aaahhhhhhh.... LOL... (everyone was attacking the food when she was doing that).

Then on the way to my big aunt house... 2 singers came on board the bus... wahhaha.... will post the video up here if possible... keep a look out!

We had Chocolate cake at my aunt's house!!! Superb delicious and its was freshly baked and still warm!! Geehee... *yummy*

After that i made my way home alone from ang mo kio station. Farnie thing happened whenever there's jasmine... LOL.

Raymond called me... *1 missed call*
I called raymond back... *1 missed call*
Raymond called me back again... *1 missed call*
I called Raymond back again when i was at the AMK mrt station... he picked it up!!

so the usual conversation~~~~~~~ blah blah blah... den his background mrt station announcement '........~~~ blah blah~~ please call 999 Thank you!'

Me: where are you?
Ray: Train station
Me: Which one?
Ray: AMK
Me: What the hell!!! I'm here too..... ~~~ *Crazy laughters*

Whoa... wad a huge coincidence! We had 3 missed calls in a day and finally when we picked it up we're both at the same place!! so crazy... I told eve bout how crazy i think it was and she said i'm drooling over this guy... think not... i'm more like drooling over the plot... like some drama serial... haha!! I'm a star!!

>. Mi|Oo .< | 3:26 PM

{*Mi|Oo CrappiLandiness*}

Jasmine Ng
21 April 1985
Nanyang Polytechnic
Diploma in Financial Services
MSN: milo_w_charm@hotmail.com


*Buayaman aka Melvin*


guess my number (1 - 100)

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July 2008


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{*CraPpyLanD CounTer*}